
Sports Rehab Personal Training

strength, woman

Sports rehabilitation is the opportunity to use movement to fix the body. Our bodies are made to move. When we stop moving, we don’t feel that great. The body is mechanically formulated to walk and make things. It is truly amazing that the body can go from chronic lower back, knee, shoulder and neck pain to being pain free. We can take a body, give it the right stretches, the right strength training exercises for the weaker muscles and wallah! It feels better. 

I loved watching West World because it continuously showed how to make a human body. The mechanics of it. Robots are the physicality of computer actions and humans are circuited by the brain and neuromuscular system. So when understanding HOW the joints move and how the muscles interact with the joints, the connection to make them work properly again is basic. The more you can understand about how your body moves physically, the better you will be able to control it and utilize it.

We take a deep approach to functional strength training and health; how we relate to the world and ourselves through taking care of our bodies. Nobody is perfect and perfect is not the goal. The goal is progress. The goal is to be better today than we were yesterday.

The goal is to live a happy and healthy life. Those two words often go together for a reason. The reason is that they are intertwined in mind and body.